Thursday, 25 October 2012

High expectations for the training week

A new training day is already far, and the participants are working on a research and writing assignment.

This time we have in class a real Dream Team, which is concentrating hard on the topics, debating with good arguments and publishing their stories mostly on time. During lunch time today, many decided to go late for the meal and rather stayed by their computers to continue with their assignment.

Below are some links to the participants’ first introductory postings, where they were supposed to introduce themselves and list their expectations for the training days to come.

Erick Mchome, features writer at The Citizen newspaper, says that from this training he expects to learn more about how to use the internet as a source for different background information that he will need for his stories. “This will also help me to see ideas done outside my region and localize them for my local readers”, he concludes.

Ali Othman from Zanzibar Press Club and correspondent for the Changamoto newspaper says that he hopes that he will learn a lot about investigative journalism, but he also wishes to be able to teach others who would like to make investigative journalism through the internet.

Heres a longer list of expectations from the training by Flora Rugashoborola, news editor at Star TV in Mwanza.

And heres an amusing introduction by Masembe Tambwe from Daily News. He says he expects to learn new and interesting techniques on investigative journalism as well as to network. “My belt is fastened and I am ready to go to the world beyond”, he writes.

Links to the training blogs of all other participants are now found in the column on the right.

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